I do apologise AGAIN for not adding anything to this blog for such a long time. I began with such good intentions too.
I have been out and about in the boat and I have been performing to promote the album a little and have been very pleased that it has received plays on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire, West Norfolk Radio and Future Radio. I have also been busy with other projects, mainly ceilidh bands, and drum workshops, but other musical projects too. I have even played drums in a rock band for the first time ever and had a lot of fun doing that. I was offered a busking spot at a small festival recently which was also a lot more fun than I anticipated. I didn't earn much and didn't sell any cds, but I did earn enough in about an hour and a half to feed myself that day - result! I have also finished a couple of new songs for the first time in months and I am happy with those. I've even trialled them at the monthly Songwriters nights I run. Did I mention the extraordinary Lâg/HyVibe guitar I've had for the past six months? I must do a bit about that in a future blog essay.
This week I have been drawing together some thoughts on the Byelaws that are being proposed for this waterway. This follows the introduction of new laws last year, which conferred the necessary powers on the navigation authority here to make these Byelaws. Not really good news, unfortunately, but hopefully some of my objections will strike a chord. It is amazing how many powerful people are not really aware of their actions on others; or is that just people in general?
I've experienced losing a couple of musician friends suddenly and unexpectedly in the last few weeks. I suppose I'm at that age when this will increasingly become a feature of my life. I've been asked to read one his poems by the widow of the latest to go.
Much less drastically, but also unexpected and unfortunate, I have had some gigs cancelled that I thought were settled. As one door closes, another one slams shut! It wouldn't affect me so much if I had a proper job (or any job I suppose) maybe? Perhaps more busking ...
I just thought I would mention though, that FINALLY I have got round to sorting out putting some music on Bandcamp. That means people who want to buy a download instead of the physical cd can do so. Naturally the download is cheaper, although it is nice for us musicians that customers, followers and fans can add a little extra if they would like to. This is the place ...
I understand some people prefer not to use PayPal. If you buy from Bandcamp I believe it doesn't have to go through PayPal unless you want it to.
At some point I have to address the daunting prospect of redesigning my websites I have to reflect what I actually spend my time doing these days. It's another one of those jobs I've put off for years. Work begins on costumes and masks for February's 2020 Venice Carnival very soon.
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